Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 valuable insights in life from a 30 year old...

Ok.  I started this 4 (YES, FOUR) weeks ago.  For heaven's sake.  So to try to create in myself a better sense of "stick-to-itiveness" I'm going to follow in the footsteps of a lovely young mom I've met through instagram (my most favorite social network of EVER).  She blogs, too.  Her 30 days blog, found here, was inspiring.  I so often whine and complain about my "hard life" (I know it's not that hard, but some days my littles really do get the best of me, something which I work hard at every day...).  I think I need more focus on the light!  On the bright!  On the shiny!  So here goes!!

Number One....

I am thankful for creativity.  Without which, I would be at about half my exuberance level.  (So when I go months without being creative, I find myself in a SERIOUS slump....)  I have been in the sewing room again for about the past 3 or maybe 4 weeks.  And it's home.  It's just home!  I get to combine all the ridiculous (and maybe fabulous) aspects of my personality up here to ultimately reap the biggest reward....a finished and *hopefully* gratifying project.  I get to be anal with details.  I get to have fun with color and pattern.  I get to think deeply about something that isn't political, religious, or environmental (all which I like to think about, but let's face it, I can be a WEE BIT CRAZY when I start down those paths...)  So yes, quite thankful am I for creativity.  

I will try to carry on with my blogging.  If any of you have helpful tips on how to make this blog look nicer (that are easy and quick) let me know!!  I'm not savvy to blogging.  And now I'm off to create a doll for my middle child!  Will post pics soon!

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