Sunday, February 17, 2013

I can do it!

Hello world.  I'm feeling quite optimistic and exuberant today!  The birthday season is OVER.  I have spring to look forward to.  I get to utilize my time in more "free" ways.  And now, my husband and I are setting some goals to achieve.  And we haven't done that in ... I dunno.  A REALLY long time!!  

Over the past few years my family has become more and more health conscious.  We've read blogs, and research, and books, and articles!  We've tried many, MANY different ways of eating.  Paleo.  Maximized Living.  And have occasionally dabbled in vegan eating.  All of the above mentioned forms of "diet" are, in my book, always a good way to go if you're eating fast food, drinking soda, and purchasing boxed, processed foods from the grocery store.  They'll ALL provide you better quality health, and therefore a higher quality of life!  Who doesn't want that?!?  

A quick side track to explain the reasoning behind my constant quest for better health.  On December 12, 2008 I watched my dad die from cancer.  Technically it was septic shock that took him, but without the cancer he wouldn't have taken the chemo pills that sent his body into the downward spiral that killed him.  So cancer won again.  I DO NOT want to die anywhere near the age of 57 from health related issues if I have the power to take charge now.  And I do.  So I've been searching for what will be best for me.  And what makes me feel my best.  

Eating Maximized Living, above all the others, far and away was the BEST I've ever felt in my life.  The main difference that I can see is that you completely sugar detox.  You can't even have rice or bananas at first!!  (grains turn to sugar as soon as they hit your mouth, so those are out!  And even fruit sugar is technically still sugar {although MUCH better for your body!!!} and you can't have most fruits when you start that program.)  The only reason we stopped eating that way can be summed up in one word:  Pregnancy.  I got pregnant and the hormones and sour stomach took over and sugary sweets were all I could ingest without vomitting, so I ate them.  And off the wagon I fell.  

But now, it's been 15 months since I was pregant.  I've lost 20 pounds.  I still eat sugar.  And I don't feel as lively and energetic as I want to.  I'm broken out all of the time.  I'm having actual migraines, and that's totally new to my life!  I'm having panic attacks and fairly extreme anxiety from time to time during the months.  I can't fall asleep without help from something.  Wine, benedryl, etc.  It's time to take the reins back into my own hands!  And that's exactly what I plan to do.

We've watched just enough documentaries to feel ready and able to make the steps to becoming vegan.  My favorite sources of inspiration are The Kind Life, Alicia Silverstone's personal lifestyle.  Vegucated, a documentary we watched on Netflix, and of course Forks Over Knives, another Netflix documentary.  I also follow all of these on facebook and get daily inspiration by reading their posts.  If you want to know why I chose to become vegan, watch and read those.  They cite research that I find compelling.  Also, being vegan completely goes alongside my intense desire to promote saving the planet!  Or at least stopping the damage now.  Eating meat is horrible on the environment.  Horrible.  Disgustingly so.  And I already feel better as a human being knowing that I don't "just recycle".  I'm taking even more steps to reduce my carbon footprint.  For me.  For my kids!  (Who will indeed have to fix all of our selfish decisions in the future... sorry kids.)

Now on to my fitness goals!  One of my friends on facebook posted this AMAZING link the other day.  Arthur's Inspirational Transformation.  If THIS man can change his life and his fate, any of us can!  My husband ordered the DVD's and we just started this morning.  My husband has a horrible back due to a terrible accident from being thrown from horse when he was 11.  He almost died.  Since then he hasn't helped his back, or body.  He played in numerous bands, one of which was a metal band where the thrashing around couldn't have helped.  So this program will be perfect for him.  I'm excited to see what results our determination will provide!  

Another fitness goal of mine, besides getting this yoga thing down, is to get my knees and body in shape enough to do a color run!  I REALLY want to!  But first I want to strengthen my joints.  Did you know that when you're pregnant (as I've been 3 times) the hormones that relax your ligaments so your stomach can expand to hold a baby not only affect the ligaments in your hip and tummy area, but ALL joints and ligaments?!!  I can feel this horrible after affect, and I must strengthen myself before I dare run much.  But it is a goal.  Color Run!!  

So there you have it!  Get fit with yoga.  Start jogging soon.  Eat clean and healthy vegan.  I'm empowering this mommy of three to be healthier!  

Here's my pic from today.  What will be in a few months my "before" picture!  And I'm going to say it, I'm NOT embarassed of how I look.  I've had three kids.  I don't work out yet.  And frankly, I have zero desire to look like a model.  That's honest.  I like curves.  I personally find curves on women attractive.  Not that naturally string bean women are unattractive, but we all have our gravitations, don't we?  So I'm not out to be a certain size, see a certain number on the scale, etc.  I just want to feel good.  

So there I am!  Not too bad!  My last "before pictures" I weighed 20 pounds more.  So these I feel pretty good about!  

That will conclude my post for today.  I do really want to blog and post and share about the kids birthdays, but that is going to take me some time!  Zoey's Super Party was yesterday!  It.  Was.  Awesome.  I'll share a quick picture or two, a sneak peek!  Have a great Sunday!  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

You don't have power over me. I do. I am.  In the midst of what I fondly refer to as "Birthday Season".  Sewing my ass off.  Crafting my ass off.  Baking my ass off.  Really just putting my whole heart into my children.  So since I put so much *unnecessary* pressure on myself to do too much, I always feel slightly to exuberantly stressed out.  Also, my husband has been traveling more than normal, and an upcoming trip is throwing me off.  My mom talked to me the other day and passively aggressively told me how bi polar I am.  (May be true, but I try hard to contain it and be on top of what triggers me and when to dial things down....also mostly I just get anxious.  No depression.  And PLEASE do not encourage me to go to a doctor.  They've only prescribed me meds that make everything WORSE, not better.  The best thing for me is to totally clean up my eating, get more exercise, and take things off of my stress list.) 

So I'm quite into instagram.  I love it.  It's like mini blogging, with TONS of pictures.  It's my happy place.  Usually....  I have had a few bad experiences. BUT, all of the bad has been brought on by my own issues.  Paranoia.  Lack of confidence.  Etc.  All I'm going to say is that NO ONE HAS THE POWER OVER HOW I FEEL ABOUT MYSELF.  Even if I did mess up.  That does not make me a bad person.  I will nick this confidence issue in the bud, before I'm 35 I hope!!  (Big changes take time...)  People you meet on the internet, although are real, flesh and blood, still are basically strangers.  You've not met them face to face.  You've not seen how they react when they're angry, or sad, or scared.  You mostly only know the perfect images they WANT you to believe is reality.  And I'd know.  I'm an internet lady.  Facebook.  Instagram.  Now a blog.  I will not let a moment of my own weakness result in me beating myself up all day.  It's over.  I said I was sorry.  (Wasn't even that big of a deal, but I don't enjoy being called passive aggressive when in all reality, it was presumption.  I presumed something to be true when I know nothing of the circumstances.  Done.)  I'm not a confrontational person.  So when I am confronted my stomach churns all fucking day long.  But not today.  I have power.  Over myself.  Over future mistakes.  Over the NOW!  I'm good enough.  I'm smart enough.  And doggonnit....people like me!  Even with my flaws.

Ok.  Rant over.  I empowered myself, which is what I needed.  Learned from my mistake.  Learned how to not handle it (learning from the way others react is a way I can not treat others poorly in a moment of heated reaction).  And now, for my past week!

Teagan's 3rd birthday party was Sunday.  It was pretty great.  Mermaids mermaids everywhere!  Here are a few pics.  I'll blog about the whole thing later, as I want to share some of the sources of my inspiration and creation!  I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day.  I celebrated Zoey's 5th birthday today.  Her REAL day of birth!  Her party is Saturday!

Good bye, small amount of readers.  And mostly friends.  Until next post...


Monday, February 4, 2013

What a week......

Oh my.  It's been a *insert appropriate expletive here* week here in my household!  The husband was away, everyone was sick (but Z), I now have TWO parties to throw within one week of each other.  BAH HUMBUG.  That will be my attitude.  Rhett must be sick, or something, still.  He's NUTS.  And therefore I'm almost impossible to coexist with.  In fact, as I write this, he's upstairs refusing (quite loudly) to take a nap.

So....Teagan's mermaid party is on for next Sunday.  To be honest, all the excitement and joy has been snuffed out for me.  I'm getting zero time to myself to even breathe.  Now I have to hustle to get Zoey's stuff done.  Needless to say, I'm gearing my expectations and plans for both parties WAY DOWN!  I hate that, but it's necessary.

I'm going to post today.  Even though I'm not in a joyous mood.  Or a witty and comical mood.  I'm in a boring, depressive, bah humbug mood.  But I'm making it a personal goal of mine to blog more often.  And include links and small directions to attain information for you on where I get some of my inspiration and how I managed to "pull it off".  Today I made 3 superhero masks for Zoey's party.  I have a silhouette cutting machine and used three of the mask shapes.  These are not for sale, but I will be handing them out as "thanks for coming" gifts to all the kids (plus capes, which I haven't even purchased fabric for yet....).  Here are the masks:

masks, which I cannot get my phone and flipping mac book air to share.....

Ok let's try some other pictures before I "give in" and go get Rhett.  Who is still crying.

The other mermaid tails aren't ready yet, but Teagan's outfit is.  So that counts for something.  Alright.  I'm at my wits end.  Best go get upset baby boy.  :-(